Our process
How does our NEWLIFE machine work? Glad you asked! We've developed our product to work efficiently, effectively, and with the mindset to allow you to make any fixes and repairs needed possible right from home if you so choose!
What is it?
Our product is an all-in-one shredder, melter, and extruder. Two different sizes are available, 3'x2'x2' and 5'x4'x4', both having the option to switch between extruder sizes 1.75mm or 2.85mm.
Once the machine is plugged into the nearest outlet, press the button on the left of
platform to heat the machine's cauldron to the melting point. The button will light
up once heated.

Make sure all labels are removed and any food or
glue residue is cleaned as
best possible.
Once shredded, the plastic will fall into the cauldron and will be melted into a liquid that's ready for conversion. You will know it's ready when the button pops out and stops glowing.​
When the machine is heated, flip the switch located on the cauldron right next to the plastic shoot, this will activate the spinning blades, ready to shred the plastics that are inserted through the shoot hatch.​

The melted plastic will then funnel through the extruder and wrap around the spool. Once the extruder stops running, trim the excess from the nozzle, remove the spool, and you're ready to print!
After melting is completed, change the filament sizing dial to whichever size you need for your printer.​