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Causes we support

In an effort to help heal the environment in as many ways as possible, we here at NEWLIFE have partnered with different orgs and causes that share our same passion, to protect our home. We donate 10% of all purchases made from the NEWLIFE merch shop (does not include the NEWLIFE & Accessories shop) to these reputable causes: GREENPEACE, The Environmental  Defense Fund, and Global Footprint Network.

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A cleaner future is within reach. We know how to cut climate pollution while growing the economy, to create a world where people and nature prosper. We see climate change everywhere — in stronger storms, drier droughts, and more acidic oceans. We also see solutions everywhere — in the way we make electricity, fertilize crops or move cargo. With sophisticated scientific tools and a deep knowledge of what makes the economy work, we’re building lasting ways to stabilize the climate and protect communities hit the hardest. 


With a wide range of partners, we target sources of climate pollution around the world by pinpointing the biggest opportunities for change.

We want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.


Where our quality of life is measured in relationships, not things. Where our food is delicious, nutritious, and grown with love. Where the air we breathe is fresh and clear. Where our energy is as clean as a mountain stream. Where everyone has the security, dignity and joy we all deserve.

It’s all possible. We can’t make it happen alone, but have no doubt: We can do it together.

" The Global Footprint Network is an international nonprofit organization founded in 2003,
envisions a future where all can thrive within the means of our one planet.

We enable our vision through our mission: to help end ecological overshoot
by making ecological limits central to decision-making."


"We are scientists at heart. Scientists who love the outdoors. We measure everything and use data and facts to guide decisions. Optimistic and persistent, we pursue systems change to achieve global sustainability."


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